Erdmann, U.: Eclogavena coxeni (Cox, 1873) - The Real Thing and Description of Eclogavena coxeni salomonica n. ssp. (Mollusca: Gastropoda: Cypraeidae). Hawke, A. L.: Two new species of Umbilia (Caenogastropoda: Cypraeidae) from the Australian Miocene. Lorenz, F.: Two New Subspecies in the Genus Zoila (Gastropoda: Cypraeidae). Fehse, D.: Contributions to the Knowledge of the Eratoidae, XXII. Early Miocene Eratoidae of Europe. Lorenz, F.: The "Black Morph Cyphoma" from the Netherlands Antilles (Gastropoda: Ovulidae). Lorenz, F.: A New Species pf Pseudosimnia from Hawaii (Gastropoda: Ovulidae). Fehse, D. & Grego, J.: Contributions to the Knowledge of the Triviidae, XXXIX. Revision of the Taxa Asigned to the Genus Pseudopusula Fehse & Grego, 2o14, Part 2. Fehse, D. & Vicián, Z.: Contributions to the knowledge of the Triviidae, XL. Closing a Gap. New taxa: Eclogavena coxeni salomonica n. ssp., Umbilia hallani n. sp., Umbilia darryli n. sp., Zoila marginata nudispira n. ssp., Zoila jeaniana praeclara n. ssp., Erato princeps n. sp., Erato prokimakowiczi n. sp., Erato crassus n. sp., Erato tenuipustulata n. sp., Erato quasiplanulosa n. sp., Erato fragilis n. sp., Erato pinguis n. sp., Praealaerato venusta n. sp., Cyphoma cassidyae n. sp., Pseudosimnia alisonae n. sp., Pseudopusula gerberi n. sp., Pseudopusula peruviana n. sp., Niveria miocarinata n. sp., Niveria ledoni n. sp.