CONCHYLIA 51 (3-4) *

CONCHYLIA 51 (3-4) *

54,00 €
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Engel, W., Swinnen, F. & Hoffmann, L.: A Review of Species in Fusceulima (Gastropoda: Eulimidae) from the NE Atlantic Ocean and the Western Mediterranean Sea with Illustration of key Type Specimens. Nordsieck, H.: New Subspecies of the Albinaria Group (Gastropoda, Stylommatophora, Clausiliidae). Morrison, H. M. & Schneider, B.: Description of a New Species of Bothriembryon (Gastropoda, Stylommatophora: Bothriembryontidae) from the Western Side of the Nullarbor Plain, Western Australia. Fehse, D. & Vicián, Z.: New Miocene Cypraeids (Mollusca: Gastropoda: Cypraeidae) from Indonesia. Liverani, V., Wieneke, U. & Kronenberg, G. C.: Another Triplet: The Case of Strombus maculatus G. B. Sowerby II, 1842 (Gastropoda: Caenogastropoda). Morrison, H. M. & Schneider, B.: Description of two overlooked species of Amoria (Gastropoda, Volutidae) from the southern coast of Western Australia. Fehse, D.: Contributions to the knowledge of the Eratoidae, XXIV. A new Eratoena Iredale, 1935 from the Mediterranean Sea. Fehse, D. & Grego, J.: Contributions to the knowledge of the Triviidae, XLI. Cypraea bitou - the Answer to the Mystery. Alf, A.: On the validity of Turbo roxas Bozzetti, 2019 (Gastropoda: Turbinidae). New taxa: Fusceulima digitalis n. sp., Fusceulima keppensis n. sp., Fusceulima robini n. sp., Albinaria delvinensis thevesi n. ssp., Albinaria greeni amorosa n. ssp., Carinigera stussineri distantissima n. ssp., Bothriembryon cummingsi n. sp., Pustularia korneli n. sp., Naria praehelvola n. sp., Canarium rapanuense n. sp., Amoria austellus n. sp., Erato advena n. sp., Trivia virginea n. sp.