This book describes the Mesozoic to Cenozoic evolution of the Chilean and Argentinean Andes. The book is structured from a historical perspective concentrating on specific processes explained in each chapter. The chapters cover dynamic subsidence; neotectonics; magmatism; long and short term deformation; spatial development of ancient orogenic processes that control Andean reactivations; relation between ocean bathymetry and deformation. Sources of detritus through Andean construction are discussed by specialists from both sides of the Southern Andes. The Evolution of the Chilean-Argentinean Andes provides up-to-date reviews, maps, evolutionary schemes and extensive reference lists useful for geoscientists and students in Earth Science fields.
1. Crustal structure and tectonics of the Chilean continental margin from wide-angle seismic studies: a review
2. Crustal and thermal structure along the Chilean subduction margin from gravity data and their relation to short and long term segmentation: a review
3. The Peru-Chile margin revisited with global gravity field derivatives
4.The Pre-Andean phases of construction of the Southern Andes basement
5. The geometry of the subduction margin from paleomagnetic data: a review
6. The early stages of the volcanic arc in the Southern Andes
7. The early orogeny stages in the Southern Central and Patagonian Andes
8. The Mesozoic to Cenozoic structure and tectonic evolution of the Southern Patagonian Andes
9. Andean and foreland Cenozoic sources during mountain growth evolution
10. The Cenozoic structure and tectonic evolution of the Southern Central Andes
11. The Cenozoic structure and tectonic evolution of the Northern Patagonian Andes
12. The origin of the Neogene transgressions during the Andean development
13. Landscape and tectonics of the Central Chilean Andes
14. Landscape and tectonics of the Northern Chilean Andes
15. The Neogene volcanic arc from the southern Altiplano to the Southern Central Andes
16. Dynamic subsidence and uplift associated with the Pampean flat subduction zone
17. Thermal structure associated with the Pampean flat subduction zone
18. Architecture and evolution of the volcanic arc in the last 5 Ma along the Southern Central and Patagonian Andes
19.The late segmentation of the Southern Andes as a function of ocean bathymetry